Sometimes I have several google sheet file with the same column.
I need to combine all of them to make the summary.
So, this is what I do ...
1. Make sure they have the same column
All my example have column A to F
2. Copy the sheet's ID, (the random character after =)
3. Put it in a sheet at the master file
4. Call it in a new sheet
I use: =ImportRange(list!B1,"A1:F") to call all column,
and will grow whenever my data insert new record.
5. Make a master sheet, and combine all ...
a. I call all records with no blanks:
=FILTER('1st Data'!A2:F,'1st Data'!A2:A<>"")
b. Combine all filter using {}, and seperate with ;
={FILTER('1st Data'!A2:F,'1st Data'!A2:A<>"");
FILTER('2nd Data'!A2:F,'2nd Data'!A2:A<>"")}
6. [optional] Add an auto numbering
In the first row, I use =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ISBLANK(B2:B),"",ROW(A2:A)-1))
to call the number of row filled with data.
See the sample here.
I need to combine all of them to make the summary.
So, this is what I do ...
1. Make sure they have the same column
All my example have column A to F
2. Copy the sheet's ID, (the random character after =)
3. Put it in a sheet at the master file
4. Call it in a new sheet
and will grow whenever my data insert new record.
5. Make a master sheet, and combine all ...
a. I call all records with no blanks:
=FILTER('1st Data'!A2:F,'1st Data'!A2:A<>"")
b. Combine all filter using {}, and seperate with ;
={FILTER('1st Data'!A2:F,'1st Data'!A2:A<>"");
FILTER('2nd Data'!A2:F,'2nd Data'!A2:A<>"")}
6. [optional] Add an auto numbering
In the first row, I use =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ISBLANK(B2:B),"",ROW(A2:A)-1))
to call the number of row filled with data.
See the sample here.
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