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Showing posts from January, 2018

Google Form with prefilled today's date

I always wonder how to make a form that have a pre-filled with today's date. The only solution I got was adding a java script in form. But then ... I realized, that every entry I make, I always got a timestamp ... and it is always mark the date and time I create an entry. So .. all I have to do, is manipulate the sheet data ... after the 1st entry. In my sheet data, I insert a column on the left (or you can put any where you want, as long as it will fill the same row) On the first row (after the 1st entry) I create a formula ... if the timestamp is empty, then go empty, if not: check if the date entry is empty, if it is: take the timestamp date, if not: take date entry. Then apply to every row ... Column B: timestamp Column C: date entry =arrayformula(if(isblank(B2:B),,if(isblank(C2:C),B2:B,C2:C))) and, voila! You will have the current date. All you have to do, don't fill the date if you want it record as today. See file here ...

Using Google Form as Data Collector

Google sheet is commonly used as database. But did you know that you can use google form to collect it? I've been using google form for years now ... and made several how to's .. but I can't believe that I've never made how to create google form and connect it to spreadsheet ... so here ... There are many ways to connect google form to sheet 1. Through google form . Go to google form, and create your form. And at the responses, create the sheet. 2. Through google sheet Go to google sheet, and create your sheet. On tools- create form, it will automaticaly create a sheet as form response Then boom ... you have 2 files connected to each other. Share your form through link, email or web page. From the link, open in browser, then add to home page, it will create a browser shortcut to the browser, with form logo in it. So there ... ^_^